We find ourselves embarking on what may be a familiar journey, only with a daunting edge of nothing being approachable without the new challenges of the current of pandemic.
The precautions to take on a daily bases, seem to guide us into a slower pace. Perhaps this is reason to take note that every step we take become more accountable. This practice of awareness has been part of a Yogic Lifestyle for ages. It is the practice of Gratitude, to pause, take grateful inventory of what one has and to set alignment of energies to be open for more. Striving to be the best version of yourself, always. The destination is Growth, the journey is Life. With all the sincerest wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous journey ahead ...... Namastè Pavel |
© 2018 RED YOGA421 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 734-436-8119 |
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